Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beginning of a New Semester

 I am going to list a few things that keep coming up since I've been back in Boston that are starting to a) piss me off b) scare the hell out of me. I'm almost positive that every single one of you reading this has probably experienced the same problems recently in your day to day lives.

1. Lengthy, Far-Away, and Awkward Eye Contact:
Okay, I cannot explain how this is so prevalent in my life.
Do I have a noticeable disease all over my face?
I get up, walk to get a glass of water and calmly walk back to my seat.
as I sit there, sipping my water, minding my own business, there is always one person who is staring at me.
Why? Why are you looking at me?
I didn't do anything to you. I'm enjoying a glass of water. 
Is water awkward?
I could understand if I was drinking it like I had a disorder that caused me to drink water like a zombie ate brains, but I really don't. One of the few normal things I do is drink water like most humans.

2. Always Being Where You Are:
Okay. If you're always in the same area as me, it freaks me out. Yes, I understand that my campus is small and there's not a lot of places where a certain person can be. However, anyone who knows
me can tell you that I do not sit still easily and need to be moving to other locations often. If you just happen to show up in the same area, at the same time as me, every time I relocate?? I'm seriously going to have my awkward suspicions about your mental health. 

3. Awkward Conversations You Have Before a Serious Discussion:
You know that awkward "Oh hey. How are you. Good. Yeah... Sure is cold out. random story.. hah. yeah. it was cool." NO STOP. I would rather have someone shout across the whole campus "HEY I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU DON'T MOVE" than trying to ease into a conversation. It makes me severely awkward and paranoid. (note the paranoid. please look at it.) It makes me think that it's just so super serious business if you don't just come out and tell me or ask me what you want. Those conversations I usually just walk really fast away from before they continue because I just can't handle the small talk. We both don't want to small talk. Seriously? Seriously.

And that's why I'm cranky :D

1 comment:

  1. It's in these situations that a sexy dance is important.
