Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to Handle

Recently I've had to put myself in a lot of scary situations. I'm glad to be home taking a break from all the hype, but it's allowed me to have time to sit down and really think of how to handle situations that cause myself to become extremely paranoid or scared.

I thought about the denial process.
That never works.
I don't care who you are if you think that works you are in denial that the denial process blows.

I thought about the acceptance process.
That doesn't work either.
Just accepting everything and "facing your fear" is stupid. It makes people depressed.

I've come up with a solution. I think the acceptance process is perfectly healthy if you incorporate one more aspect: Anytime you have to do something horrifyingly scary, just pretend you have a furious dragon behind you and the only person he likes is yourself. :D :D :D

srsly. can't draw dragons.

1 comment:

  1. I generally pretend there's a dragon hanging out with me all the time anyway. Her name's Tulip. :D
