Monday, December 13, 2010

I am Phone Stupid.

So I have come to the conclusion I am completely incapable of understanding how/why to use a phone. My dad recently upgraded my phone from a "THIS BUTTON CALLS. THIS BUTTON TEXTS." to a "OMGTHEREARE4058406849869849BUTTONSANDSWITCHESANDTOUCHSCREENSUPERDUPERAPSANDFUNOMG"

Needless to say I have no idea how to use it.

I'd much rather talk in person. This way I'm able to see the person and actually focus. When I call people, I tend to be preoccupied and go on a massive A.D.D trip and forget why I called the person and run my mouth more than I usually do on a daily basis. I usually have just one question that turns into a 20 minutes conversation of me yelling and the other person left half dead from the abuse of the English language. I'm pretty sure my friends dread answering the phone when I call.

I remember this one time (or several) I called Allison and it turned into a big thing of me vomiting bad grammar. I don't remember what the question I had was.


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