Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Anime is Stupid and Awesome

So I enjoy a good anime once in a while. I used to go to anime conventions (insert mocking, pointing, hysterical laughter right effin' here) and I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed them. It was good to get out and be around a huge group of fellow nerds. Contrary to popular belief, there are somewhat normal people there. I met my best friend Leanna at an anime convention, and a lot of other good friends. 

I wouldn't call myself, however, an anime/video game nerd. I do enjoy video games, and I do enjoy some anime, but I am in no way obsessive or crazy about them. Those are the freaks that scare me. I usually hid under convention tables from them, because no, I did not see that last episode that came out yesterday. I actually have a job, and go to school, and function in a normal society. :D

However, today I decided to sit down and watch my favorite anime's second season, Kuroshitsuji. I haven't been able to see what is goin' on in season II, so I'm trying to catch up. However, watching it made me realize that anime is both 
insanely stupid and 
so awesome at the same time.

Allow me to give some picture reference.
To demonstrate how stupid anime really is, I'm literally only pulling from ONE EPISODE ONLY.

except these sheep. They're just cute.


I have no idea why anime has this excessive need to portray women with the biggest boobs.
Especially with guns. Guns are important. Boobs and Guns.

in the last episode I watched, a big, stupid music box made everyone at this Victorian banquet turn into blood thirsty zombies. Randomly. No reason given.

There is blood shooting out of this woman's nose. Notice how the two bastards next to her pay that no mind. Usually that requires some serious medical attention.

this is a twelve year old cross dresser. He's a main character.

[insert closing remarks about how anime is just so bloody awful]


  1. in defense of a massive amount of other anime..."we're not all like that"

    also, isn't blood from the nose symbolic in japanese pop-art for lustful thoughts?

    anyway, good post- sad but true, sometimes

  2. Ha ha, Kuroshitsuji's second season is like a giant fanfiction. xD
    It...It is so weird.

  3. The boobs are in fact quite large, but more peculiar is the face of the guy in the 3rd picture.... he's not even turned on... just dumbfounded.
